
Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm back

I'm going to try for the daily updates again. We'll see how it goes.
They tell me practice makes perfect,
But if I believe that it's true,
Then where is my patience.
My focus is gone.
I know I can do this.
It's within my power
To spend just a few of my minutes each day
And stretch out the parts of my mind
That have become so recently lax, oh and so undefined
And my hope above all in this venture is just
That I might yet be able to shake off the rust
And apply a light oil, or reshape and tone
Even though I mix metaphors, still I'll be known
As the one who remembered, in spite of himself
That even your passions are dust on the shelf
If you don't take them out every now and again
And so I'm returning, like to an old friend
Whose embrace is familiar, and so it shall be
Because this time I mean it.
No, really.
Come on.
You've got to believe me.
It's okay,
I'll show you.
I'll show all of you.

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