I'm sitting here, forcing myself to write
But the truth I don't have anything to say
At least nothing that I haven't said before
I wanted to write about love
To set that record straight
Because no one else has ever tried to do that before
Then I wanted to write about loss
But I've written enough about that to be considered an expert in the field
So tonight, you get the speechless poet
The man who ran out of words, but kept on speaking
But sometimes it's those times
When you don't have anything to say
That everything comes out
So I'll just keep my fingers on the keys
Because at any moment inspiration will strike
Like lightning, straight to my brain
Or I could rip off lines from old movies
And get the quotes wrong.
But whatever it is that I do tonight
Tomorrow always brings with it the possibility of trying again
And with that thought in mind I close
Because really, who wants to keep reading this?
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